Timeless Home Interiors
Timeless Home Interiors

Timeless Home Interiors

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Vendor Biography


Hi, I’m Chalise Minnenhall, Founder and Principal Designer of Timeless Home Interiors. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to check out my business here on Miiriya.

People spend over 90% of their time indoors and 25% of people spend entire days indoors. As someone with a background in psychology, I understand the role that the environment someone is immersed in has on them. For me, it all began with an idea. I remember being a young girl and always being fascinated with transforming spaces. I had a notebook outlining how I would start a pillow business. Then I moved to wanting to paint the furniture and switch the fixtures in my parents’ home. Anything I could think of to make spaces beautiful brought me joy. It all focused on making houses feel like homes. I know the little things can make the biggest difference.

I founded Timeless Home Interiors because everyone should love where they live. As an interior designer, I provide expert guidance throughout the design process and my number one goal is the satisfaction of my clients. These goals in addition to the genuine relationships formed with clients have allowed Timeless Home Interiors to become an award winning company. 

Interested in learning more about me and my business? Link to interview: 
