Self Love Accent Cube Lamp


Sold by: Boundless Creation (AsarDraws)

Elegant, golden, brilliant, luminous, contemporary art piece in the form of a lamp that brings out happiness and relaxation, while helping you to overcome deep emotional discomfort. Knowing that no matter how broken you may feel, you are still whole. Inspired by the Kintsugi style, a Japanese art form of reforming broken bowls together with gold, embracing the flawed and imperfect.

Art piece named: “Untitled”

Height: 11.8 in

Length:11.8 in

Depth:11.8 in

Cord Length: 70.87 in

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 13 in

Shipping Countries: Canada

Ready to ship in 2 weeks

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