Septarian Puffy Heart


1 in stock

Processing Time: 3-6 days
Sold by: Astrolyszics


I smiled when I got this one. It has an archaic reptilian look and I would say it helps allow the old go and the wisdom to stay.

Septarian is a stone that helps grounding you and bring your good vibes overall. Considered as protective stones, providing both grounding and shielding of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. It is a stone for regulation of spiritual, mental, and physical prowess. It promotes both calming and understanding on the emotional level. 

Septarian enhances feelings and the condition of well-being and provides for a merging with and amplifying of ones energies. It is also quite useful in determining the direction in which to progress. Septarian loves to be held, emanating a loving, kind, and sincere energy pattern. It is said to be a speaking stone and enhances communication on multiple levels.

Additional information

Weight 0.447 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

Shipping Countries: United States (US)

Ready to ship in 3-6 days


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